展馆简介:威海,地处胶东半岛,三面环海,拥有得天独厚的海滨旅游资源,近年来,又建设了中央电视台威海影视城、西霞口野生动物园等一大批景区景点,是首批中国优秀旅游城市。1990年和1999年两度被联合国评为“最适合人类居住的最佳范例城市”。近十年来威海市社会经济发生了翻天覆地的变化,和邻近韩国贸易发展迅速,并设立定期的大规模“威韩经济贸易洽谈会”。但到目前为止,全市还没有一个具有规模的会展中心。这与威海日益扩大的对外贸易经济规模不相适应。因此,在威海兴建一个具有国际水平的会展中心已经刻不容缓。威海国际会展中心计划总投资8亿元人民币,占地面积10万平方米,建筑总面积8万平方米。中心建成后,以举办国内外各种大型会议、展览及博览会为主、集展览、贸易、会议、娱乐、饮食等多项功能于一体,并以其宏伟的气势、完美的设计和精良的设施,成为威海市的城市标志和市政府重要的公益性设施。预计每年可产生直接经济效益2亿元,间接经济效益8亿元。 Surrounded by the sea at three sides ,Weihai city ,one of the first group excellent tourism cities of China, lies in the east end of the Shandong peninsulaowns favorable seaside resources for tourism. It has in recent years built up a batch of scenic spots such as CCTV Weihai Video Base, Xi xiakou Wild Animal Parkso on ,was twice awarded as “The Most Sui Model City For Human Beings To Reside” by the UN in 19911999 respectively. During the past ten years, great changes of Weihai’s social economy have taken place. The trade with South Korea has developed rapidlythe Weihai-Korea EconomicTrade Fair will be held periodically each year. But Weihai hasn’t ever had a Convention Center up to present,consequently to construct an International Convention Center is of great urgency. According to the preliminary plan, the center will cover an area of 0.1 million square meters, building area of 0.8 million square meters. With the imposing building, perfect designexcellent facilities, the International Convention Center will be the symbol of Weihai Citythe major public infrastructure of Weihai People’s Government integrating exhibition, trade, conference, entertainment, restaurant together, esp. for the domesticinternational conferences. It is estimated that 2 hundred million yuan’s worth of direct economic effect8 hundred million yuan’s worth of indirect economic effect will be turned out annually.